Material produced in 2005 when I was at university…
Numerical Analysis
These files are my own solution of the exercises suggested in the workshop of the Numerical Analysis course delivered by Prof.ssa Maria Morandi Cecchi at the Department of Information Engineering - University of Padua - A.Y. 2005-2006.
The text of each exercise is saved in a PDF file; proposed solutions are Matlab® scripts (UTF-8 encoded). For each exercise the solution scripts are stored in the directory named as the corresponding pdf; routines directory stores general purpose scripts.
Link to files and scripts (User name: cn_2005 - Password: cnguest)
Linked files are freely available for download. No proposed solution pretend to be error-free. If you find an error, please report it to the author.
Information Retrieval
These files are the result of the Pedigree Project, an evaluation of Beagle that is a file indexing and retrieving tool for desktop environments. The work was done as a workshop of the Information Retrieval course delivered by Prof.ssa Maristella Agosti at the Department of Information Engineering - University of Padua - A.Y. 2005-2006.
Linked files
Linked files are freely available for download but any reproduction, complete or partial, must be authorized by the autors.